Monthly Contributions
A contribution equivalent to a single Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment is payable by each recipient of the National EB Dressing Scheme per Standard Order. To be eligible for the concessional benefit, you will have one of the following concession cards:
- Pensioner Concession Card
- Commonwealth Senior Health Card
- Health Care Card
- DVA White, Gold or Orange Card
Some State/Territory governments issue Seniors Cards. These are not considered concession cards for the purpose of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme or the NEBDS.
Centrelink is responsible for the issue and administration of the Pensioner Concession Card, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card and Health Care Cards.
Under the 2024 Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment arrangements, the contribution is $31.60 per order or $7.70 for Concession Card holders (a photocopy of a current concession card must be supplied with the Application Form). The contribution required will change on 1 January each year, in line with changes to the single Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment amount.
Details about the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme co-payment arrangements can be found here.
You can pay your monthly contribution by phone via the following payment methods
- Bankcard, MasterCard or Visa
- BPay
Payment must be received prior to despatch of goods.