Recipient responsibilities
Applicants and Authorised Representatives have the following responsibilities as outlined in the National Epidermolysis Bullosa Scheme Eligibility Guidelines:
- Complete appropriate fields on the Application Form and agree to the terms and conditions of the Scheme
- Request that the Approved Healthcare professional complete and submit the form to Independence Australia with all necessary documentation (where applicable).
- Once eligible, adhere to all terms and conditions of the Scheme and ensure Independence Australia is notified if:
- Change of name
- Change of address
- Hospitalisation within 72 hours of admission
- Mis-delivery of dressing products within 48 hours
- Change to Concessional Card status (with evidence)
Further, Approved Applicants or Authorised Persons agree to:
- Payment of monthly co-contributions at the time of ordering.
- Using dressings as instructed by the Treating Healthcare Professional*.
- Making appointments with their Treating Healthcare Professional for advice and assistance on how to best manage your condition.
- Having their personal information collected for the purpose of the Scheme.
- Providing the correct address for delivery where a signatory must be available during business hours.
- Ensuring Independence Australia is accurately informed (at time of order confirmation) each month of:
- – the dressings required, or not required, that month are within the allowable limits**, and,
- – if an extended hospital stay*** has taken place.
- Store dressings appropriately, according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
* Apply dressings as instructed by the Treating Healthcare Professional
** The maximum allowable limit for dressings is established by the Treating Healthcare Professional for each individual, based on “Section 3 – Dressing Requirements” of the Application Form. Any change to a Standard Order requested by a Treating Healthcare Professional will be actioned on a NEBDS Application Form Section 3.
*** An extended hospital stay is a stay that is equivalent to, or more than, one (1) month duration. If an extended hospital stay has taken place, a pro rata quota of dressings will apply.